Can African Grey Parrots Eat Grapes?

Can your African Grey parrot enjoy some grapes with you? Are they beneficial for them and how many can you give them? Can they eat the green grapes? What about the red ones or their seeds? Make sure you keep reading to find the answers to all of your questions!

Are Grapes Good For Your African Grey?

As a pet owner, it’s important to know exactly what your feathered friend can eat. The African Grey Parrot, in particular, can eat a diverse diet that indeed includes grapes. Being rich in vital vitamins and water, grapes make an excellent snack for them.

Despite their nutrient content, grapes are high in sugar and should be fed in moderation. Think of them as a treat alongside their main meal.

Are Grapes Good For African Grey

How Many Grapes Should I Feed them?

Quantity is a crucial aspect to consider when deciding to give them to your parrot. One or two small grapes per day are sufficient for an average-sized African Grey. You can also slice the grapes in half, making them easier to eat.

Keep a watchful eye on your pet and adjust the quantity accordingly. Each bird is an individual with its own preferences and dietary needs. If you notice any adverse reactions such as diarrhea, discontinue feeding them grapes immediately.

Can they eat grape seeds?

It would be best if you could cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds from them. While grape seeds are known to be safe for parrots, I believe that it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Having said that, it’s ok if your birdie eats a seed or two, but removing the seeds in general would be ideal.

How to include grapes in their diet

Including grapes in the diet of your African Grey Parrot can be a delightful addition to their eating routine. However, make sure you make small steps when making any changes to their diet.

Start by introducing grapes gradually into your pet’s diet, preferably as part of a fruit mix initially. For instance, that can be apple slices, bananas, and berries. This will allow your parrot to get used to the new food item. Monitor their reaction closely; while most parrots enjoy grapes, some may show no interest or even react unfavorably. Each birdie is different after all!

As mentioned earlier, you can remove all seeds and wash the grapes thoroughly before feeding them to your bird. To make things even easier for your pet, you could cut the grapes into smaller pieces. That way you can make sure that the seeds are removed and your birdie will be able to hold it better with their foot.

Are Green Grapes Safe For African Grey Parrots

Are green grapes safe for your African grey?

Green grapes are indeed safe for African Grey Parrots. They can be a delightful snack, providing them with both hydration and essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and K.

However, the same precautions must be followed regardless of the grape variety. Always thoroughly wash them to ensure any residual pesticides are removed and give them to your African grey only sometimes.

Can they eat red grapes?

Yes, African Grey Parrots can most definitely eat red grapes. In fact, both red and green grapes are safe for these birds and provide a good source of vitamins A and C. Moreover, the same general rules apply to red grapes as to white ones or any other variety of grape.

Remember that while sweet and enjoyable, due to their high sugar and fructose content, grapes should only be offered as a treat. Offering 1-2 grapes is more than enough for their little body.


The key takeaway from this guide is that grapes – both red and green – are an ideal treat for these magnificent birds. Grapes are hydrating and full of essential nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C, and antioxidants. These nutrients are crucial in supporting a healthy immune system, promoting better digestion and overall well-being of your bird.

However make sure to wash the grapes thoroughly to eliminate any potential residues of pesticides or other chemicals, and remember to remove the seeds if possible.

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