Can African Grey Parrots Eat Cherries?

You got some nice cherries from the market and are wondering if you can enjoy them with your African grey parrot? Then you are in the right place! Keep reading to find out everything about cherries. How to feed them, how often, and if and why are they good for your African grey?

Are cherries Safe For African Grey parrots?

Cherries are one of my favorite fruits when in season. More importantly, my African gray gives me puppy eyes whenever she spots me eating them. If your birdie is anything like mine, you will be delighted to know that cherries are safe and healthy for them.

They are juicy, sweet, and the perfect size for them to munch on. If you also keep them in the fridge they can be a cool snack during the hot weather. Just make sure that they are washed well before giving them to your pet and remove the cherry pits at all costs. Keep reading to find more detailed information.

Advantages Of Feeding Cherries to African Grey Parrot

African greys seem to relish the sweet cherry taste. Furthermore, their juicy texture brings something unique to their palette and keeps them interested in their meals.

Now let’s look at the health benefits this summer fruit brings. Cherries are high in antioxidants and vitamin C. They help boost your parrot’s immune system, which can help them fight illnesses and diseases. Additionally, cherries contain, potassium and fiber that boost and protect their digestive system.

Disadvantages Of Feeding cherries to African Grey Parrot

Much like everything in life, cherries have some drawbacks despite their nutritional benefits. First of all, they are high in sugar. Overindulging in this sweet treat can lead to gain weight and even obesity in your feathered friend. Moreover, eating too many cherries can cause diarrhea which eventually leads to dehydration.

benefits of cherries to african grey parrots

Can African Grey parrots eat cherry pits?

Just like us, our feathery children can’t eat cherry pits. Not only that, they are extremely dangerous for them. Very much like the pear seeds, cherry pits contain amygdalin, which can release cyanide when digested. Have you heard of cyanide? It is a deadly chemical that can cause serious health problems like breathing issues, seizures, and even be fatal.

Knowing these risks, don’t ever give a cherry that contains a pit to your African grey.

How Often Can African Grey parrots Eat cherries?

Even though cherries can be very beneficial to your little friend, they shouldn’t be fed too often. Feeding 1-2 cherries once per week is more than enough. That way, they get to indulge in this sweet snack and get all of its benefits without any associated risks. One last thing. Do not fall for their blissful gaze and slip one too many. It is for their own good.

How To Prepare cherries For African Grey parrots

Now that we know cherries are safe for your African grey, let’s take a look at how to prepare them properly. For starters, opt for organic cherries whenever possible. They are less likely to contain harmful pesticides and other toxins. In any case, always wash the cherries before serving, and make sure you remove the cherry pit.

To make it easier for your parrot to eat, you may cut the cherry in half and offer the halves to your birdie. It’s the ideal size for them to hold with their little leg and drain all of the juice.

If you are dealing with a picky eater, like I am, you might want to start eating some cherries in front of your African grey parrot. They are usually really curious as to what we are doing or eating. That way, you can catch their attention and get them interested in cherries, without even noticing.

Alternatives To cherries For African Grey parrots

If your feathered friend doesn’t get along with cherries, don’t stress too much. Luckily, they can be easily changed with some other fruit. Some examples are grapes, pears, or strawberries. They can be offered in small bite-sized portions as well and they also contain many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

If these fruits are not available, they also enjoy cucumbers, corn, carrots, and broccoli.


In conclusion, cherries are safe and healthy for your African grey parrot to eat. As long as you wash them well and remove their seed before offering them, they are a great snack and addition to their diet. Also, don’t offer them too many cherries because it might lead to unwanted side effects. And of course, make sure to always consult with your avian vet before introducing anything new to your birdie’s diet.

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