Can African Grey Parrots Eat Watermelon?

It’s summer and there are a variety of fruits you can choose for your African grey. But the question is, which fruits are safe for your African grey parrot to eat? Is watermelon one of them? Can they eat the seeds? What about the rind? Keep reading to find answers to all of the above and the reasoning behind them!

Is Watermelon Good For African Grey Parrots?

What makes watermelon a great choice to feed your African grey parrot during summer? Watermelon consists of a lot of – you guessed it – water! To be exact, 92% of watermelon is water. That means that it is really hydrating and can help your little feathered friend stay hydrated during the hot days of summer or if they are not consuming enough water.

Apart from water, watermelon also contains essential vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as minerals such as magnesium and potassium.

is watermelon safe for african grey parrots

Vitamin A is important for the skin and feathers of African greys. It also helps with dryness and feather disorders. In addition to that, vitamin A is critical for their eyesight, as it promotes the proper functioning of the retina. We should also highlight that vitamin A supports the immune system, as well as helps the body fight off infections and diseases. Finally, it is involved in the growth and development of tissues and organs.

Vitamin C is very important and can be found in many fruits, for example, oranges. It supports the immune system while also making it stronger and protecting the cells from damage. This is vital for the overall health and well-being of your African grey parrot.

Along with the aforementioned vitamins, watermelon has two valuable minerals – potassium and magnesium.
Potassium helps maintain a regular heartbeat, thus promoting proper heart function as well as blood pressure regulation.
While magnesium is necessary for the development and maintenance of strong bones in African grey parrots.

Now that we know why watermelon is good for your parrot, let’s see which parts are good for them to ingest.

Can African Grey Eat Watermelon Flesh?

Watermelon consists of the flesh (red part), seeds, and rind/skin. You can of course feed the flesh of the watermelon to your parrot and they will love it! When serving it to your parrot pay attention to the size of the piece. If you cut it into small pieces it will be possible for them to hold it. Nevertheless, you can serve it in any way that your birdie finds appealing.

Can African Grey Eat Watermelon Seeds?

The good news is, that you don’t need to remove the seeds before serving. Watermelon seeds are actually beneficial for African grey parrots as they are a great source of healthy fats, protein, and essential minerals. They are packed with zinc, magnesium, iron, and folate (vitamin B9).

Leaving the seeds on the watermelon can also excite your parrot and make them more interested in it. Biting and breaking the seeds can be a fun experience that engages their foraging instincts.

Can African Grey Parrot Eat Watermelon Rind?

When it comes to the rind, it’s alright for your parrots to bite on. However, pesticides are everywhere nowadays so be careful. Making sure that the watermelon rind is totally pesticide free and clear of any harmful products is a must.

If you grew the watermelon yourself and know that it’s totally safe to eat go ahead and feed it to your feathered friend. However, if you are not 100% sure that it’s clean and safe, you shouldn’t risk feeding it to your African grey as it can be very dangerous.

can african grey eat watermelon rind

How Much Watermelon Should I Give?

Adding new fruits, foods, and flavors to your parrot’s diet is always a good thing to do! However, do not forget that moderation is the key. Offering too much of anything is not good, including watermelon. Offer small portions of different foods and fruits alongside watermelon to your African grey parrot to ensure that they receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Last but not least, allow me to mention that since watermelon consists mostly of water, it’s also normal to see a difference in your bird’s poop appearance as well as the frequency. Do not get alarmed if your African grey parrot’s poop is more liquid-ish than usual or if they poop more often. That’s due to the extra water and it’s totally expected!


To conclude, watermelon is a great treat/snack to offer to your African grey parrot, especially during the hot days of summer. They will for sure enjoy it and really appreciate it, as it will keep them cool and busy while munching on the flesh as well as the seeds. Let’s not forget though that every parrot is different and you should always consult your avian vet before making any changes to your parrot’s diet or if you notice any unusual behavior.

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